Hiking: On the road in the south of Ibbenbüren
This ten-kilometre hike leads through Dörenthe, the southernmost district of Ibbenbüren. First, the trail leads through fields and meadows, always with a view of the Teutoburg Forest, to the Loismann Botanical Gardens, where you should definitely plan a stop from April to October. The hikers then follow the Dortmund-Ems Canal southwards. After crossing the canal again, it is worth taking a look to the left and right at the fields and wet meadows, some of which are part of the Janhaarspool nature reserve. The wet and poor grassland is an important component of the "Wet meadows in northern Münsterland" bird sanctuary and home to a number of Red List plant species, while the low-growing, poor wet meadows are home to numerous breeding populations of endangered meadow birds. Hikers return to the starting point along the Daßmannweg, which is lined with meadows and imposing trees.
- Regional hiking trail
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