Bühning, Ferienhof


The holiday chalet is base on a old Wittekindburg and surrounded by old oaks, the river Hase and the canal "Zweigkanal". The chalet (250sqm) offers 5 bed rooms, two bath, a large kitchen, hall with fireplace, a living room with TV, a large garden, a terrace, a sand box, a grill and a fireplace. There is an activ farm with bulls on the same property. Because of the bulls it is not allowed to bring your own pets. If you are interested in farms the farmer is joyfull to show you around. You can canoe on the canal behind the house. There is a canoe free to use at the house. The house is non-smoking.

  • special accommodations



Familienfoto neu 2020 klein Ferienhof Bühning_Hausansicht Kanutour Ferienhof Bühning Giebel_seitlich Haus überdachte Terrasse In Umstellung Terrasse am Bauernhaus Kanus inklusive Stall Terrasse Aktive Landwirtschaft Outdoorküche Haus klein Spielplatz Willkommen Schaukel Hofführungen auf Anfrage Produkte vom Hof Bioland-Bullen 2019_02_Logo_Ferienhof_Bühning


Schagen 1
49565 Bramsche

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