Bauerngarten am Heimathaus "Wackumer Dannen"


Namely a main house and a granary, in an open bakehouse there is a hand-built stone oven.
The plants in the farm garden, which is divided by a crossroads according to old tradition, come from the surrounding farms and gardens. The thematic focus of this "lilac garden" is the black elder (Sambucus niger) - a tree that is typical of rural areas and has always been a faithful companion to people from the farming settlements for centuries.
Picking strawberries, currants, raspberries and blackberries is not only expressly permitted in the small snack garden with Ribbeck's pear tree.
The rustic benches, the beautiful old trees and a large beech arbour invite you to linger.
The cottage garden is not just a garden to look at, but a "living space" in the best sense of the word - a living room in the open air.

  • Parks/Gardens
  • Recreation and health




Lange Straße
49565 Bramsche

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